Their Life Is Much Better Than Mine 🫠

That's what some people might think about you.

And, you might be thinking the same after looking at somebody else.

It’s a never-ending cycle.

What you want today might mean nothing to you once you achieve it, and then you might start chasing a new better.

And, there’s nothing wrong with that, my friend.

We shall always strive for a good life.

But it is definitely wrong to compare your life with others and feel bad about yourself.

Everybody’s journey is different.

They might’ve had a headstart because of their generational wealth or connections but you had to build everything from scratch.

Hence, don’t compare your 10th day with their 100th .

Instead, appreciate the life you’ve because trust me for others it is still a dream.

Be proud of yourself that you’re doing much better in life and push harder each day to get a little better.

I’m sure the almighty has some great plans for you, trust in him and give your best.

I’ll pray for your success and well-being, my friend.

Thank you for reading.

If you found it helpful then please let me know by dropping a like or simply replying to this post.

And, as I always say, stay healthy, be happy, and keep smiling, shining, and doing what you love and loving yourself.



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